Food (in)Equality
Food and global inequalities

The objective of the "Food (in)equality“ research Group is to critically analyse the relation between food and global inequalities, assessing the implications of current food regimes on food production and consumption, as well as the relation between food and socio-political conflicts.
The research aims at considering the implications and relations between food production and consumption on the one hand, and, on the other hand, social and cultural inequalities in the world. “The meal” is considered as a map to understand phenomena and elements that affect and perpetuate inequalities and injustices. The study focuses on the connections between global changes, new production methods and social\labour injustices related to food. It pays particular attention to the viewpoint and social action of movements, networks, and groups engaged in combating such inequalities, seeking food production that is critical, equitable and intercultural. The research develops:
a) analysis of the “radial-dynamic” characteristic of production and communication activities embodied in food, intended as observation of the plasticity of production and consumption modes influenced by exploitation, marketing, changing of rules, as well as cultural, identity and social dimensions that redefine social groups;
b) analysis of the role played by law in determining/modulating action networks leading to food production and consumption, with specific reference to human rights;
c) analysis of the legal implications on health, at a biological and cultural/economic level;
d) analysis of the connection between conflicts and food insecurity, to understand how unequal access to food can contribute to dynamics of political mobilisation and the outbreak of conflicts, especially in countries of the Global South.
Coordinator: Stefania Fucci